In the face of the unimaginable misfortunes that afflict the inhabitants of war zones, it is natural to provide help, and yet every such gesture is touching. This time, the Dutch have shown great heart. The donation given to help refugees who temporarily found shelter in our theatre by Jolien and Gerard Bruil and Hans Rietberg amounted to 2405 Euros (three tranches) and was augmented by an extraordinary visit of the charming four Oranjes: Julia, Peter, Hans Voortman and Albert, who on March 18 brought a lot of goods with three minibuses to Krakow. The imported gifts, donated by the generous Dutch people, they delivered to Krakow’s Caritas refugee aid centres and the Worship Center. The remaining quantity, packed to the ceiling in a jeep, was driven to Ukraine on Tuesday 22 March. Collected by Woskresinnia Theatre employees Ksenia and Yaroslav, the food and sanitary items will be used while caring for the refugees temporarily staying at our theatre. EEN GROTE DANK JE WEL!